Monday, December 5, 2016

First Assignment! Create the Blog

Well here it is, the first assignment in this competency is to create a blog for my personal learning profile.  I've created dozens of Blogger blogs, mostly for other people, so this wasn't a challenge.  The rest of the assignments may be a bit harder though.
Alan Dix - Kuwait in 2009
Me in 2009, Kuwait
I really don't like this layout/style for a blog, so I will be changing that soon. I am actually taking a web design class, well a second one, at the same time as this class.  I am learning a lot about design and layout, things that I know a little about, but mostly just enough for me to mess things up.  Hopefully this will give me another opportunity to improve my skills in terms of design and layout.


  1. Thank you for your service to our country.

  2. It was certainly an honor. Thank you for your gratitude. :)
